Photo Credit: Robert Corsini/Videocratic Media
Life Not Death: Celebrating Palestinian Culture in Time of War
Sunday, July 28th, 3:00 – 5:00
All-Saints Church, Pasadena, CA
Sweetland Hall
Please join us on Sunday, July 28th, from 3:00 - 5:00 pm at All-Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena for Life Not Death: Celebrating Palestinian Culture in Time of War. Our event will focus on artists from Palestine, and will feature prose, poetry, music and dance from the region. Join us in a compassionate community space for participants to channel their emotions about the devastation of Gaza into constructive action and advocacy.
Along with experiencing great performances, you will be able to send messages to offices of elected officials, contribute to humanitarian organizations, and be involved in actions against businesses profiting from war.
Please join host Hedab Tarifi and many others as we highlight the diversity and depth of Palestinian culture and support its people.

At Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace, we understand that grief, sorrow, and words are not enough to make change. We are called to work towards dialogue and solutions that affirm the primary calling of our organization - Religious Communities MUST Stop Blessing War and Violence.
Long before the tragic events of October 7th of last year, Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace has been shining a light on the Palestine Nakba (catastrophe), and we will continue to host live events as well as streamed forums to counter the oppression of fact-based and compassionate voices on campuses and in the media.
Your financial support of our mission will help us create more in-person events, fund costs like printing of materials and event support, and will keep us going in our mission to seek an alternative to the fear-mongering and vengefulness sweeping much of our nation.
Thank you for being a partner in our fight for inclusion, equity and justice for all — will you join us in our future work by making a special gift to ICUJP today?
Please join us in our ongoing work to open doors with dialogue and compassion, and to make change with diligence, creativity, and open hearts and minds.
July 28, 2024 at 3:00pm - 5pm
All-Saints Episcopal Church, Sweetland Hall
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