Torture is Always Wrong
This core belief is the foundation for the continuing efforts of Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace (ICUJP) to end U.S.-government-sponsored torture forever.
Working in tandem with the National Religious Campaign Against Torture in Washington D.C., we demand accountability for the CIA's use of torture on post 9/ll detainees, in order to ensure that it never happens again. We urge the Senate Intelligence Committee to make public their 6000-page report, the result of a three-year investigation into government-sponsored torture.
We affirm and applaud the report of The Constitution Project (a privately funded, bipartisan, blue-ribbon panel) entitled "Task Force on Detainee Treatment" -- which indisputably demonstrates that U.S. government leaders were responsible for illegal and horrific acts of torture.
Our actions include visits to Congressional offices, letters to government leaders and to newspapers and other media outlets, petitions and vigils.
We continue to speak out against torture in all forms -- in the indefinite detention of prisoners at Guantanamo, in the use of prolonged solitary confinement in U.S. prisons, in abuses of juvenile justice.
Our work is informed by the shared belief of all major religions that every person is a child of God whose basic humanity must be respected.
We believe that torture is a moral issue that degrades everyone involved -- policy-makers, perpetrators and victims -- and contradicts our nation's most cherished ideals. Let America abolish torture now -- without exception.
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