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ICUJP Friday Forum
June 30th, 7:30-9:30 am Pacific
A Conversation with Sonali Kolhatkar
Event Description:
Sonali Kolhatkar's new book Rising Up offers a timely exploration of how truthful narratives by and about people of color can be used to advance social justice in the United States.
While people of color are fast becoming the majority population in the United States, the perspectives of white Americans still dominate the vast majority of the media created and consumed every day. Media makers of color, long shut out of the decision-making process, are rising up to advance a set of different narratives, offering stories and perspectives to counter the racism and disinformation that have long dominated America’s political and cultural landscape.
In Rising Up, award-winning journalist Sonali Kolhatkar delivers a guide to racial justice narrative-setting. With a focus on shifting perspectives in news media, entertainment, and individual discourse, she highlights the writers, creators, educators, and influencers who are successfully building a culture of affirmation and inclusion.
Join us in a conversation with Sonali on her new book Rising Up, and on the larger media landscape overall.
Join the conversation with our speaker:
Sonali Kolhatkar is an award-winning journalist, activist, and artist, and the founder, host, and executive producer of the popular weekly program Rising Up With Sonali which airs on KPFK, KPFA, and dozens of other radio stations, as well as in television format on Free Speech TV. She is the author of Rising Up: The Power of Narrative in Pursuing Racial Justice (City Lights, 2023) and the racial justice and civil liberties editor at YES! Magazine. She is also Senior Correspondent and Writing Fellow of the Independent Media Institute‘s Economy for All project and was formerly a weekly columnist at Truthdig. Sonali is also the founding Co-Director of the Afghan Women’s Mission, a US-based non-profit solidarity organization that funds the work of RAWA.
Her earlier book, co-authored with James Ingalls, is Bleeding Afghanistan: Washington, Warlords, and the Propaganda of Silence (2006, Seven Stories). She lives in Pasadena with her husband and two sons.
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7:30 - 7:35 Log in and socialize
7:35 - 7:45 Welcome and introductions
7:45 - 7:50 Reflection (5 min. maximum)
7:50 - 9:15 Program and Q&A
9:15 - 9:20 Announcements
9:20 - 9:30 Closing circle and prayer
Start your morning with us!
Facilitator: Steve Rohde
Reflector: Rose Leibowitz
Here's how to join the online meeting:
To join by video conference, you'll need to download the Zoom app on your computer or mobile device. Click on the link to join the meeting and then enter the Meeting ID number and passcode. You'll be able to see slides and video, as well as speakers and other attendees.
If you prefer to join by phone, you'll be prompted to enter the Meeting ID number and passcode. You won't be able to see the visuals or attendees, but you can view them on the meeting video recording afterward.
If you're new to Zoom and would like to use the video option, we recommend you download the app well ahead of time.
ICUJP Friday Forum 06/30/23
(To find a dial-in number closer to you, go here.)
Please note: Our Friday Forums and other events are open to the public. By attending, you consent to having your voice and likeness recorded, photographed, posted on ICUJP's website and social media, and included in ICUJP materials and publications for noncommercial purposes. If you don't want to be photographed or recorded, please let the facilitator know.

Since 2001, Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace has been advocating for a more peaceful and inclusive world, often in the face of constant war, violence, disinformation and cynicism. With a small part-time staff and lots of volunteers, your donations help us meet our budget and expand our reach.
So far this year alone we have presented a series of exceptional Friday Forums exploring:
- Susan Stouffer from the Peace Center on why and how do we teach peace;
- Richard Zaldivar of The Wall Las Memorias on building the nation's only AIDS monument and establishing a premier health prevention organization in Los Angeles;
- Anthony Manousos of Making Housing and Community Happen on dispelling myths about affordable housing and homelessness;
- Elizabeth Gonzalez of Public Counsel’s Consumer Rights and Economic Justice Project;
- Mark Gale and Richard Bunce of the National Alliance on Mental Illness on how the justice system fails people struggling with mental illness;
- A performance of Dave Brubeck's The Gates of Justice with Rev. Dr. Ken Walden of Holman UMC, and Mark Kligman and Jeff Janeczko of the Milken Archive of Jewish Music at UCLA:
- Dean Wallraff on his book Earthling - Climate Ethics;
- Greg Palast on recent and ongoing attempts to disenfranchise voters;
- Taher Herzallah of American Muslims for Palestine;
- Denise Duffield of Physicians for Social Responsibility on Local Organizing to Prevent Nuclear War;
We know that you are asked to support a wide array of worthy organizations. All we ask is that you include ICUJP among them with as generous a contribution as you can afford.
We are especially grateful to whose who can make a sustaining monthly donation of $5, $10, $25, $50, or $100. If you're able to give an annual contribution of $250, $500, or $1,000, it would allow us to mount more events and conferences throughout the year. If you belong to a congregation or organization, please explore whether they can make a donation or grant.
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