Rick Banales published Action Page/Resources - Life Not Death: Celebrating Palestinian Culture in Time of War in Take Action 2024-07-29 13:15:35 -0700
Rick Banales published 04.21.24Love4PalestineActionPage in Love4PalestineAction 2024-04-18 12:33:15 -0700
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Here are links to resources and sample templates for you to contact elected officials and corporations:
Rick Banales published ICUJP Partners with Ten Thousand Villages This Holiday Season! in 22_years_ICUJP2 2022-11-29 22:44:41 -0800
ICUJP Partners with Ten Thousand Villages This Holiday Season!
ICUJP Partners with Ten Thousand Villages This Holiday Season!
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Drop into a non-profit Ten Thousand Villages shop in Pasadena or in Redondo Beach, between November 28 and December 12, immerse yourself in the amazing handiwork of women and men of the world, and buy at least one gift for someone you were shopping for.
If you say “ICUJP” to the volunteer when you check out, 15% of your purchase will go to ICUJP!
ICUJP Fair-Trade Shopping List/Videos
ICUJP Fair-Trade Shopping List & Resources
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Fair Trade Shopping List
ICUJP's Fair Trade Shopping List
Most Fair Trade producers are women and men who have broken out of the capitalist hold by forming worker-owned co-ops. No bosses. And in place of the profiteering middle-man, Fair Trade companies form long-term relationships with the workers, buying at a fair price, and selling to us through a non-profit store chain like Ten Thousand Villages, small shops, pop-up bazaars, websites, or in some cases major stores.
From bars of chocolate to major gifts, what we give makes a difference in the world.
Here is a list of great Fair-Trade suppliers and online merchants/stores - please consider picking up your holiday gifts from one (or more) of these great organizations.Shops in L.A. County
https://www.tenthousandvillages.com Pasadena and Redondo Beach
contact.html Long Beach
https://www.thelittlemarket.com Pacific Palisades
https://wuitusu.com Santa Monica and Hollywood
Members of Fair Trade L.A.
Middle East
https://www.shoppalestine.org http://
Latin American
United States
Opening Soon
https://www.prosperitycatalyst.orgUpcoming FTLA pop-ups
Alternative Christmas Market at American Martyrs Church
1431 Deegan Pl, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
11/19 4-7p & 11/20 8a-2pHoliday Market with Valley Country Market
20929 Ventura Blvd, Woodland Hills, CA 91364
11/26 time is TBDHoliday Night Market with Gasolina Cafe
21150 Ventura Blvd, Woodland Hills, CA 91364,
12/3 4-9pHoliday Market with UUCLB
5450 E Atherton St, Long Beach, CA 90815
12/4 10a - 12pFair Trade LA's Holiday Party 2022
Ten Thousand Villages Pasadena, 567 S Lake Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101
Time : TBDHoliday Market of The Good News Festival
500 Hotel Cir N, San Diego, CA 92108
12/10 11a-6pHoliday Market with First Congregational Church of Los Angeles
540 S Commonwealth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90020
12/11 12-1:30p
Jerusalem Prayer Project
ICUJP has agreed to become the fiscal sponsor for the Jerusalem Prayer Project (JPP) and its documentary and multi-media work committed to telling stories of interfaith peace makers in Israel and Palestine. JPP is the handiwork of longtime ICUJP board member, interfaith minister and musician Stephen Fiske, together with documentary filmmaker Robert Corsini.
Your fully tax-deductible donations will support their work completing the pilot to their documentary series Warriors of the Heart: Peacemakers in the Holy Land.
For more information and to contact the filmmakers directly — visit
Email Us [email protected]
Text of Call 310-706-83
Forms & Documents
Friday Forum Schedule
Description: List of upcoming Friday Forums and assigned roles for facilitator, reflector and Zoom host
Speaker Appointment Scheduler
Description: Link to online appointment scheduler for CONFIRMED ICUJP Friday Forum Speakers
Instructions to send speakers:
2. SELECT the date you'd like to book from the available options (in blue)3. CLICK ON 7:30 am (To the right of the calendar - a blue outlined button)4. Input your NAME and answer the questions - or write N/A if it doesn't apply to you5. CLICK ON the blue button that says 'SCHEDULE MEETING'6. That's it for now!ICUJP's Director of Communications will be in touch with you shortly with more information regarding your scheduled presentation. Thank you!
Speaker Outreach Tracking Sheet
Description: List to track speakers contacted to present at Friday Forums and status
Template - Speaker Outreach
Social Media Post Request Form - Partner Organization
Description: Form to be filled out by partner organization's requesting ICUJP to post on their behalf
"Special Event" Form
Description: Form to be filled out by ICUJP members requesting promotion for a special event
Social Media Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt9Sry8-OSkJHr94eXG3ssw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/icujp_socal/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ICUJP_SoCal
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ICUJP
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@icujp_socal?lang=en
Rick Banales published /20th-livestream in Pursuing Justice and Peace for 20 Years 2021-09-13 10:45:23 -0700
Rick Banales published 20th Anniversary Co-sponsorship in Pursuing Justice and Peace for 20 Years 2021-08-02 11:22:54 -0700
20th Anniversary Co-sponsorship
Thank you for your interest in becoming a sponsor of ICUJP's anniversary event. The deadline to purchase sponsorships unfortunately has passed. If you would like to make a donation instead, please visit https://ICUJP20th.eventbrite.com. Thank you for your support!
Twenty years ago, days after the devastating 9/11 attacks, the late Rev. George F. Regas brought together Christians, Jews, Muslims, Quakers, humanists and people of many other beliefs to found Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace. Acutely aware that this moment posed a dire threat to peace and justice, George knew instinctively that peacemakers needed a place to gather, organize, pray, and act together - united by the fundamental principle that Religious Communities Must Stop Blessing War and Violence.
Since its founding, ICUJP has remained true to George's vision. Meeting at over 1,000 Friday Forums, ICUJP has:
- heard speakers from all over the world
- organized mass demonstrations, vigils, and acts of civil disobedience
- presented numerous conferences and webinars
- held an annual Close Guantanamo rally
- sent many delegations to meet with elected officials
- issued statements, petitions, and policy papers on a wide range of international and domestic issues
- provided scholarships to young peace activists
- supported our allies in the cause of peace and racial and economic justice
- and provided a loving and safe home for all who are working toward a peaceful, compassionate nation and world that offer liberty, opportunity and justice for all.
Please join us in person or online to celebrate ICUJP's 20th Anniversary, honoring George's life and legacy, and recognizing our colleagues in peace and justice with the 2021 George F. Regas Courageous Peacemaker Awards!
Pursuing Justice and Peace for
Twenty Years
ICUJP 20th Anniversary and 2021 George F. Regas
Courageous Peacemaker AwardsSaturday, September 11, 2021 • 4:00-6:00 pm PDT
In person Program and Reception and live streamed online
All Saints Episcopal Church • 132 N. Euclid Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101
With very special guests
Rev. James Lawson
Rachael Worby, Artistic Director and Creator, MUSE/IQUEPlease note that the in-person event will strictly adhere to all COVID restrictions required by the Pasadena Public Health Department and the CDC
We're delighted to honor the 2021 George F. Regas Courageous Peacemakers:
U.S. Representative Judy Chu, D-CA-27
for her ongoing commitment to justice and peaceIn addition, we'll honor the following organizations for their steadfast peace and justice efforts and for serving and advocating for people impacted by the Covid pandemic:
- All Saints Episcopal Church, Pasadena
- Black-Jewish Justice Alliance
- Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE)
- Friends Committee on National Legislation CA Advocacy Team
- Housing Works
- ILM (Intellect, Love, Mercy) Foundation
- Immanuel Presbyterian Food Pantry
- Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)
- National Religious Campaign Against Torture
- NewGround: A Muslim-Jewish Partnership for Change
- Poor People's Campaign
- St. Mark's Lutheran Church/Sola Community Peace Center
ICUJP operates largely as a volunteer organization with a small part-time paid staff. For 20 years, we've carried out Rev. Regas's vision through the generosity of individuals and organizations like you. As with many other nonprofits, the Covid pandemic has hampered our ability to raise donations. The annual Peacemaker Awards event is our primary fundraising activity of the year. We're eager to sustain - and expand - our work. We are committed to doing that with your generous help.
Please become a co-sponsor of Pursuing Justice and Peace for 20 Years. The benefits at each level of sponsorship are shown below. Please purchase a package and submit a tribute ad honoring:
- the life and legacy of Rev. Regas
- the extraordinary organizations we're recognizing
- ICUJP's 20 years of important work
- any person or organization who's partnered with ICUJP through the years
- all of these in the largest tribute ad you can afford!
Sponsorship Benefits$1,000$500$250$100Tickets to in-person event6 tickets4 tickets3 tickets2 ticketsAd in online tribute book (on screen before event opening and during reception)Full page1/2 page1/4 pageName and logo listed Ad in print tribute book at in-person eventFull page1/2 page1/4 pageName and logo listed Name and logo listed in website and email marketingYesYesYesYesPURCHASE CO-SPONSORSHIP Individual admission tickets to the in-person program and reception are also available for a donation of $25 or more. Please be as generous as you can to help underwrite scholarships for those who cannot afford a ticket. (To request a scholarship, based on limited availability, please email Daryn Kobata, Director of Communications and Special Events.) The live-streamed online event will be free.
PURCHASE TICKETS **To purchase tickets or co-sponsorships by check, please make the check out to Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace. In the memo line, please note "9/11 ticket" or "9/11 co-sponsorship." Mail to: Rod Sprott, c/o Church-Biz, 1125 N. Fairfax Avenue #46836, Los Angeles, CA 90046. Be sure to to confirm your purchase details with Daryn Kobata by email or at 213.373.4006.
Thanks very much for your generous support! A portion of your donation or co-sponsorship is tax deductible as allowable by law. If you have questions about co-sponsorships or admission tickets, please email Daryn Kobata.Again, thank you so much for your support and for all you do in pursuit of justice and peace.We look forward to seeing you on September 11.
On behalf of the ICUJP Board of Directors,
Stephen Rohde
ChairGrace Dyrness
Vice Chair
Rick Banales published Resources to End Systemic Racism in Backlash to Justice: Overcoming Roadblocks to Dismantling System Racism 2021-03-22 11:53:55 -0700
Resources to End Systemic Racism
If you have resources to suggest, please email us.
LA District Attorney George Gascón's First 100 Days in Office report:
Sign Black Lives Matters' open letter to support DA Gascon's progressive justice reforms:
Learn about and expose those who have killed Black people and others of color with impunity:
Sign Dr. Melina Abdullah's petition to fire LAPD Chief Michel Moore for his longstanding pattern of abuse and failed leadership:
Join Black Lives Matter LA and others to end police associations:
Every Wednesday, 3:00 pm – Fund Services, Not Police!
#EndPoliceAssociations at 1313 W. 8th St., Los AngelesWe’re taking down the police associations that function as organized crime, enabling killer cops, bullying and bribing elected officials, and criminalizing our people. Gather in front of the ACLU building directly across the street from the headquarters of the Los Angeles Police Protective League. Bring your drums, bodies, spirits and dedication.
Learn about SB 300 (Cortese), the Sentencing Reform Act of 2021:
This bill will end the injustice of people being sentenced to death or LWOP even if they did not kill anyone nor intend for anyone to die. It will allow resentencing for those now sentenced to death or LWOP as accomplices in a felony murder. It also restores power to judges to dismiss any special circumstance. Organizational letters of support are due March 30 on the legislative portal for this bill's hearing, set for April 6.Fact Sheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W9_WBMm2kZWQkurgFyVx6oFCZQ5hpQL7/view
Learn about AB 256 (Kalra), the California Racial Justice Act for All:
Remember how we passed the Racial Justice Act last year but it’s prospective only? This bill will make it retroactive, allowing people on death row and serving LWOP (and anyone else) to challenge racial bias in their case. This bill is set for hearing on March 23. It is too late to be listed in support in the official analysis but you can send a letter now to be listed for the next committee.Fact Sheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uEUU9NBWxPutfh8s1wzW5dKgWjzQqSHJ/view
Email your Los Angeles city councilmember to demand that money reallocated from the LAPD budget - a result of #BlackLivesMatter protests - go to Black organizations to benefit Black communities:
https://www.lacity.org/government/popular-information/elected-officials/city-councilToolkit to learn more about and have a voice in the LA city budget:
https://peoplesbudgetla.com/toolkit/Learn more about the campaign to drop LWOP (life without parole) for the 5,100 people currently serving these "living death sentences":
Kelly Savage-Rodriguez, DROP LWOP: [email protected]
Join an ICUJP working group to end systemic racism:
Fernando Fernando, [email protected]
Join the Campaign to Preserve Democracy & Accountability at Pacifica Radio:
Subscribe to ICUJP's email list for weekly Friday Forum and special event announcements:
Donate to ICUJP to support more programs like this one:
Rick Banales published Backlash to Justice RSVP in Backlash to Justice: Overcoming Roadblocks to Dismantling System Racism 2021-03-11 19:32:55 -0800