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ICUJP Friday Forum
October 27th, 7:30-9:30 am Pacific
Building Housing on Faith Lands: How Congregations Can Take Action for Housing in CA
Brooke Wirtschafter, Director of Community Organizing at IKAR, a Jewish Spiritual Community will speak about IKAR's efforts to build affordable housing on their site and advocate for housing in Los Angeles and California.
Join the conversation with our speaker:
Brooke Wirtschafter is Director of Community Organizing at IKAR, a Jewish spiritual community
in Los Angeles. At IKAR, Brooke works with community members to build effective teams and
cultivate leaders, to identify shared values and goals and work toward a better, more just, more
humane city, county, and state, with partners from across Los Angeles. Brooke has been proud
to support IKAR's work in coalitions advocating for immigrants' rights, justice system
transformation, environmental justice, climate action, and housing. She helped IKAR lay the
groundwork for building a permanent supportive housing development for formerly homeless
seniors as part of its new building, with plans to break ground in 2024.
In 2022, she led IKAR’s successful effort to draft and pass a state law (AB 2244) that reduced parking requirements for faith communities that choose to build affordable housing. Brooke also serves as a member of the City of Los Angeles Human Relations Commission.
Learn More/Here's how YOU can help:
7:30 - 7:35 Log in and socialize
7:35 - 7:45 Welcome and introductions
7:45 - 7:50 Reflection (5 min. maximum)
7:50 - 9:15 Program and Q&A
9:15 - 9:20 Announcements
9:20 - 9:30 Closing circle and prayer
Start your morning with us!
Facilitator and Reflector: Anthony Manousos
Here's how to join the online meeting:
To join by video conference, you'll need to download the Zoom app on your computer or mobile device. Click on the link to join the meeting and then enter the Meeting ID number and passcode. You'll be able to see slides and video, as well as speakers and other attendees.
If you prefer to join by phone, you'll be prompted to enter the Meeting ID number and passcode. You won't be able to see the visuals or attendees, but you can view them on the meeting video recording afterward.
If you're new to Zoom and would like to use the video option, we recommend you download the app well ahead of time.
ICUJP Friday Forum 10/27/23
Time: 07:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
(To find a dial-in number closer to you, go here.)
Please note: Our Friday Forums and other events are open to the public. By attending, you consent to having your voice and likeness recorded, photographed, posted on ICUJP's website and social media, and included in ICUJP materials and publications for noncommercial purposes. If you don't want to be photographed or recorded, please let the facilitator know.
22nd Anniversary of ICUJP: 22 years of working for Justice and Peace
Twenty-two years ago, Rev. George Regas of All-Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena reached out to clergy, community leaders, and laypeople to come together to seek an alternative to the fear-mongering and vengefulness sweeping much of our nation in the wake of September 11. The message that they wanted to convey was coherent and powerful: “Religious Communities Must Stop Blessing War and Violence.” On that day, Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace was born.
These past 22 years have been a journey for ICUJP - five Presidents, four California Governors, and numerous crisis and issues that would shake the resolve of even the most devout and dedicated of activists. But through it all, we go forward in our mission to be the voice for "the least of these", and our determination to create the change we want to see in the world.
On Sunday, September 10th, 2023, ICUJP honored Rev. George Regas's life and legacy, and recognized deserving organizations with the 2023 George F. Regas Courageous Peacemaker Award. As our theme was "Housing is a Human Right", we were glad to shine a light on the work of Making Housing and Community Happen, All-Saints Church Safe Haven Bridge to Housing, the Office of Mayor Karen Bass of Los Angeles, and the Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center.
Thank you for your part in keeping the vision of George F. Regas alive as we continue creating a place to gather, organize, pray, and act together united by the fundamental principle that Religious Communities Must Stop Blessing War and Violence.
Please consider helping Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace in its mission. ICUJP operates as a largely volunteer organization with a small part-time paid staff. We have survived for over 20 years through the generosity of individuals and organizations like you. Like so many other organizations, our ability to raise donations has been hampered during the COVID pandemic.
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