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ICUJP Friday Forum
December 13th, 7:30-9:30 am Pacific
Mark Fancher:
Ignore the Storm
Event Description:
The speaker will consider the challenge of refusing to compromise one's moral code and most cherished principles in a paradoxical world that demands that, in order to avoid the triumph of evil, that we choose "lesser evils."
Join the conversation with our speaker:
Mark P. Fancher is the staff attorney for the Racial Justice Project of the ACLU of Michigan. His cases and projects address: abusive police practices, racial profiling, racial discrimination in public employment, mass water shutoffs, racial harassment of students, use of indigenous peoples’ imagery and names as brands and mascots, and other matters affecting communities of color.
He is a member of the National Conference of Black Lawyers and the Black Alliance for Peace. He has also lectured across the country and written extensively on issues that include: the U.S. military presence in Africa, political repression in the U.S., mass incarceration, and struggles for self-determination in regions subjected to colonial and neo-colonial domination.
Learn More/Here's how YOU can help:
7:30 - 7:35 Log in and socialize
7:35 - 7:45 Welcome and introductions
7:45 - 7:50 Reflection (5 min. maximum)
7:50 - 9:15 Program and Q&A
9:15 - 9:20 Announcements
9:20 - 9:30 Closing circle and prayer
Start your morning with us!
Facilitator: Carolfrances Likins
Reflector: Phil Way
Here's how to join the online meeting:
To join by video conference, you'll need to download the Zoom app on your computer or mobile device. Click on the link to join the meeting and then enter the Meeting ID number and passcode. You'll be able to see slides and video, as well as speakers and other attendees.
If you prefer to join by phone, you'll be prompted to enter the Meeting ID number and passcode. You won't be able to see the visuals or attendees, but you can view them on the meeting video recording afterward.
If you're new to Zoom and would like to use the video option, we recommend you download the app well ahead of time.
ICUJP Friday Forum 12/13/24
Time: 07:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
(To find a dial-in number closer to you, go here.)
Please note: Our Friday Forums and other events are open to the public. By attending, you consent to having your voice and likeness recorded, photographed, posted on ICUJP's website and social media, and included in ICUJP materials and publications for noncommercial purposes. If you don't want to be photographed or recorded, please let the facilitator know.
Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace recognizes the Gabrieliño Tongva as the past, present, and future caretakers of the land, water, and cultural resources in the unceded territory of Los Angeles.
Join us for our annual Close Guantanamo NOW Vigil - 23 years of injustice
Photo Credit: Robert Corsini/Videocratic Media
Close Guantanamo NOW!
Join us in-person:
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Wilshire/Westwood Federal Building,
11000 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90024
12:00 - 1:30 pm Pacific Time
Free and open to all - RSVP HERE
Please join ICUJP and allies in-person at our new location in front of the Wilshire/Westwood Federal Building on Thursday, January 11, 2025, to mark 23 years of existence of the Guantanamo Bay prison camp and the human rights violations and torture it spawned.
At its peak, the illegal detention center at Guantanamo Bay held some 800 men and boys of Muslim faith - most of whom were never charged with a crime. Today, 30 prisoners still languish there.
After the Guantanamo Bay prison camp was opened, the Bush Administration commissioned the torture memos, a series of documents designed to retroactively provide a pseudo-legal justification for crimes against humanity. To date no one in the Bush administration has been called to account for writing and implementing these documents, and the mainstream media has seemed to forget about what those torture documents have meant to subsequent administrations and the liberties our military and elected officials have taken in illegal detention and torture.
Let's send a message to President Biden:
Close Guantanamo NOW and release all detainees!
End torture NOW and prosecute the torturers and those who authorized them.
USPS: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20500
phone (comments) 202 456 1111
phone (switchboard) 202 456 1414
fax 202 456 2461
web page for messages to the President:
- Annie Ehler, Jewish Voice for Peace
- Jim Lafferty, National Lawyers Guild LA
- Mohammad Tajsar, ACLU of Southern California
- Shaheen Nassar, CAIR
- Shakeel Syed, South Asian Network
- Lisa Hajjar, UC Santa Barbara
- Vincent DeStefano, Assange Defense Network
- Ysabel Gonzalez, Code Pink
- Shane Que Hee, Out Against War
- Mark Friedman, LA US Hands Off Cuba Committee
Amnesty International USA • Anti-Racist Action • CIA torture whistleblower John Kiriakou • Council on American-Islamic Relations • Defending Rights & Dissent • 90.7 KPFK • Muslim Public Affairs Council • North Carolina Stop Torture Now • Pax Christi USA • St. Camillus Center for Spiritual Care
ACLU of Southern California • Addicted To War • Amnesty International • Guantanamo Survivors Fund • Jewish Voice for Peace • National Lawyers Guild • US Hands Off Cuba Committee
Please assist ICUJP in fulfilling its mission:
Religious Communities Must Stop Blessing War and Violence
Interfaith Communities United for Justice & Peace - 23 Years of confronting "The Enemies Within"
Since September 11th, 2001 Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace has been meeting, in person and online, to deliver the simple but powerful message: religious communities must stop blessing war and violence. We have had great partners on this path - in the video below you can hear from friends and partners like Father Gregory Boyle of Homeboy Industries, Rabbi Cat Zavis of Tikkun, Ani Zonneveld of Muslims for Progressive Values, and Dr. Arik Greenberg of the Institute for Religious Tolerance, Peace and Justice.
Interfaith Communities United for Justice & Peace - 23 Years of confronting "The Enemies Within"
We have endured and spead our message through very trying times - five Presidents, four California Governors, and numerous crises and issues that would shake the resolve of even the most devout and dedicated of activists. But through it all, we go forward in our mission to be the voice for "the least of these", and our determination to create the change we want to see in the world, no matter how vocal and effective the opposition can seem.
For 23 years we have confronted "The Enemies Within" to Justice and Peace, and we don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Please consider helping Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace in its mission.
ICUJP operates as a largely volunteer organization with a small part-time paid staff. We have survived for over twenty years through the generosity of individuals and organizations like you. We are honored to be with you in the struggle for Justice and Peace.
Follow the link below, and please make a one-time or monthly donation.
For checks, please mail to the address below.
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